We designed and manufactured a pneumatic-driven robotic passive gait training system (PRPGTS), providing the functions of body-weight support, postural support, and gait orthosis for patients who suffer from weakened lower limbs. The PRPGTS was designed as a soft-joint gait training rehabilitation system. The soft joints provide passive safety for patients. The PRPGTS features three subsystems: a pneumatic body weight support system, a pneumatic postural support system, and a pneumatic gait orthosis system. The dynamic behavior of these three subsystems are all involved in the PRPGTS, causing an extremely complicated dynamic behavior; therefore, this study applies five individual interval type-2 fuzzy sliding controllers (IT2FSC) to compensate for the system uncertainties and disturbances in the PRGTS. The IT2FSCs can provide accurate and correct positional trajectories under passive safety protection. The feasibility of weight reduction and gait training with the PRPGTS using the IT2FSCs is demonstrated with a healthy person, and the experimental results show that the PRPGTS is stable and provides a high-trajectory tracking performance.

1. Pneumatic body-weight support
2. Pneumatic postural support
3. Human–machine interface
4. Pneumatic lower-limb exoskeleton
5. Treadmill
6. Embedded control system
Gait Parameter Extraction

Complete gait-training cycle for the right leg

Complete gait-training cycle for the right leg
Pneumatic Lower-limb Exoskeleton

Hip joint trajectory
Knee joint trajectory

Gait trajectory tracking control
Pneumatic Lower-limb Exoskeleton

Safe and Compliant Test
Joint angle trajectory tracking safety test
Novel Proxy-Based Sliding Mode Control (NPSMC)

(a) tracking control response,
(b) tracking error, and
(c) voltage control output
Joint angle trajectory tracking safety test
Novel Proxy-Based Sliding Mode Control (NPSMC)

(a) tracking control response,
(b) tracking error, and
(c) voltage control output
1. 中華民國發明專利:I555556 ; 美國發明專利:US10,292,892 B2
2. 台北國際發明展暨技術交易展 金牌獎; 高雄國際發明暨設計展 金牌獎 ;
3. NI全球學生專題競賽 全球Top 10 (第五名)
4. 教育部全國技專校院實務專題製作競賽 季軍
5. 技術移轉:台灣氣立股份有限公司 (上市)